NC Health News
Division O
2nd Place
Rachel Crumpler
Carrying precious cargo
2nd Place
Rose Hoban, Anne Blythe, Sarah Sloan
Youth climate stories: Outer Banks edition
Such a strong grouping of stories, especially considering they are written and recorded by youth editors. Definitely a full-spectrum special section, even without a print edition. The recorded episodes helped add a different layer to the package. Great content, presented really well.
2nd Place
Taylor Knopf, Aneri Pattani
Tension builds around funding for opioid treatment
Extensive reporting and strong storytelling on efforts to quell the opioid epidemic.
2nd Place
Rachel Crumpler, Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven
Communities struggle with maternal care
Commendable job on a timely and important issue. Well done.
2nd Place
Taylor Knopf
Seeking help & getting handcuffs
1st Place
Anne Blythe
Anne Blythe
A humanistic piece with timeless values and a story that needs to be heard, over and over.
1st Place
NC Health News headlines
3rd Place
Jennifer Fernandez
Period Poverty
Excellent use of graphics to deliver a large amount of information in a small package.
1st Place
Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven
Airport therapy dogs
I (and most everyone else who read the feature) was drawn in wondering why a seven year old child was 'morose' and might need antidepressants during the pandemic. The twist that Luna was a dog locked me into wanting to learn more, which is exactly what an effective lead does. By July 2022, it was a universal journalist's challenge to write a pandemic-related article that was fresh and uplifting. You nailed it!
3rd Place
Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven
Edgecombe County HOPE program
Again, engaging writing gets the reader invested in a program aiming to take a different approach to its students' particular needs. Good insight into what the program is striving to achieve and another solid job of creating human interest while also providing thorough info.
3rd Place
Rose Hoban
Post-pandemic, nurses navigate a rocky health care system
Great coverage of overworked, taken-for-granted healthcare heroes and the challenges the entire medical system faces. The implications for average people are scary.
2nd Place
Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven
Schools struggle to retain special ed teachers
Strong writing in this story leads the reader through an impactful story about the difficulties that arise when the most vulnerable of students aren't receiving the attention and instruction they need. Well researched with plenty of info to give the reader insight into the situation while still maintaining a human-interest voice.
1st Place
Will Atwater
Hog farming family charts new path
An important article on the impacts of modern farming practices and the options available to a large industry in North Carolina.
2nd Place
Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven
Comparing care for those with complex behavioral needs
A very informative two-part series that uses firsthand accounts and great research. A very good series that created a tight race between first and second.
1st Place
Taylor Knopf
'Suicide Noted' podcast
It is so important to shed light on such a sensitive subject, and both the podcast and the article about the podcast do just that. I'm sure it is helping many, and the more who can know about it can benefit from it. Very nicely handled.